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This page contains the case study of Portfolio Project which includes the Project Overview, Tools Used and Live Links to the official product.


Project Overview

Portfolio is an project which is a simple and clean multi-page portfolio website template for developers. I created this project for developers to quickly build a good-looking and fast-performing multi-page portfolio without having to code their portfolio from scratch.

Since the launch of this project, It has received more than 10 stars on Github and it has also got featured on hundreds of sites and CSS-tricks.com has also featured this template as the hottest frontend tool of 2021 in one of their articles which you can find here

Portfolio is now being used by thousands of developers globally and it has helped many people in landing jobs & opportunities which makes me happy that my creation is helping other people in building their careers.

It has many other features like Portfolio's repo contains a playground link which people can use to test the template with different theme colours to find their own preferred primary colour for the template.

Feel free to check out the Project by visiting the Project Link.

Tool Used